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Live the Best Story of Your Life by Bob Litwin

Live the Best Story of Your Life by Bob Litwin

“Unbelievably effective, and everyone can do it.”  —Joel Greenblatt, author of The New York Times bestseller The Little Book that Beats the Market

“…has taken his powerful teachings off the court in order to make an even greater impact in the world of business and life.”—Billy Jean King, 39-time tennis Grand Slam champion and author of Pressure is a Privilege

“The single most important book you will ever read… dramatically shifting your idea of what you are capable of.” —Jay Goldman, Founder and CEO of J. Goldman & Co.

Do you want a new story? Most of us do. From dieting to work addiction, we are all looking to shift the stories in our lives. But the question remains: How?

Author Bob Litwin, a leading performance coach on Wall Street and a World Champion tennis player, brings together thousands of hours of research from the best minds in the field of human potential in his new book Live the Best Story of Your Life to help readers harnesses the power of their personal stories and create positive shifts in any areas of life.

Live the Best Story of Your Life presents this information in the form of 33 personalized “coaching sessions” that will help readers reach new levels of success. Where therapy fails, Litwin’s brand of storytelling is a faster, more effective way to lasting change. Live the Best Story of Your Life does not shift what we do, it shifts who we are.

Live the Best Story of Your Life also shows readers how to get clear on old stories and learn to leave them in the past, discover the excitement and energy of your new story, access the 33 strategies followed by people who always seem to win at life, and more.

Are you on the cusp of a brand new story? If you can feel change brewing, if you want that change to be painless and almost instantaneous, Bob Litwin’s Live the Best Story of Your Life is your hand to hold, your private coach, the map you’ve been waiting for to live the best story of your life.

bob litwin Photo for BookABOUT THE AUTHOR

Bob Litwin has spent over four decades using the New Story method to coach thousands of top athletes, coaches, Wall Street hedge funds, traders, and analysts to raise individual performance to extraordinary levels.

A world tennis champion, Litwin is a #1 world ranked senior player, 18-time US National Champion, and an inductee into the Tennis Eastern Hall of Fame. He lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife, Jo Ann.

Additional information is available at www.boblitwin.com.





Written by Bob Litwin
Foreword by Joel Greenblatt
978-1-57826-632-6, $16.95 paperback
978-1-57826-6678-2, $9.99 ebook

Published from Hatherleigh Press.
Distributed through Penguin Random House.
Available wherever books are sold.
